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GLOB – The Gorgeous Ladies of Bowling


Hosted by the one and only Mrs. Eda Bagel!

Mrs. Eda Bagel


Mrs. Eda Bagel

Missed the show on Saturday, June 18, at Charlie’s Denver? Don't you worry! This was the first of many coming your way!

Check out to the videos and photos from the June 18 event, courtesy of Vonna Wolf.

Dixie Swallows
(Nate Larkins)
Dixie Swallows - Entrance

Michelle From Accounting (Mike Haney)
Michelle From Accounting

Wilma Titzgro-Back
(Bret Gregory)
Wilma Titzgro-Back


Yoko Oh No Henny
(Elie Henry)
Yoko Oh No Henny

Helena Hole and Ella Menterry
(Chris Gallegos and Russ Shaver)
Helena & Ella

Like those photos and videos? Feel free to show you love by donating to DIGLIT 2022. The suggested donation is $10 and you can use the Venmo QR code below!

We want to thank the following people for
making this night a success!